A RIDDLE: A prisoner is given a chance to win his freedom. In his cell there r 2 doors, behind one there is a?

A RIDDLE: A prisoner is given a chance to win his freedom. In his cell there r 2 doors, behind one there is a hungry lion and the other is the exit to the prison. In front of each door stands a guard- one guard always speaks the truth and the other one only lies.
The prisoner is allowed to ask one of the guards only 1 question.

What question should he ask to gain his freedom???


Favorite Answer

You would ask one guard if the other guard would say your door leads to freedom.


What door will the lying guard say tje lion is behind?


Is the Lion behind this door?


"if you were the other guard, which door would u say is the door to freedom?" then whichever either points to you go to the opposite :)