There is a 3rd choice for president? Don't have to pick a lesser evil? Gary Johnson Libertarian?

You all know about Gary Johnson? We need change and I think Gary is it. Check him out. He will be electable in all 50 states.
campain video

Gary's View on the NDAA
And he wants to give power to the states. Whats that do? It let's america evolve. Other states see what states do right and they replicate it. Other states see other states doing things wrong and they don't replicate it. I like his view on the states need to make more certain decisions.
Gary's nomination speech

If you elect obama or Romney this is what ya got to look forward to possibly.

and he has a face book page. However the media are doing their best to hide this guy. He was republican but left the party and joined the libertarians. He was governor or Arizona and did a great Job and as the article writer notes at the top link we have had a lot of success with Governors as president. So what do you all think?


I don't think they really blame government as much as want to delegate more of Government back to the states. That and they want to focus on defending our own borders instead of invading other peoples.


A lot of you are brain washed to thining that a vote for Gary is a vote for Obama. You are wrong. Do they do that in any arena there are 3 contestors? I have heard Democrats that were disuaded by obama and didnt' like mit either and they are considering Gary. Yeah Gary is garnering votes from both sides!

Did you all read the first link I posted? He gave 8 good arguements to vote for Gary. You should read them. One is because its not stealing votes from one or the other.

Chewy Ivan 22012-10-11T08:46:29Z

Favorite Answer

My third choice would be Roseanne Barr. I think libertarians blame government in the same way as gun control activists blame guns.


Fine. Don't vote for the lesser evil.

So you will get the greater evil.

The race is close-- and Obama or Romney will win.

If you really don't like Obama, not voting for Romney is as good as staying home and letting Obama win.

Likewise, if you really don't like Romney, you might as well save your 3rd party vote and stay home. By not voting Obama, Romney will win.

The more people who abstain from voting from one of the two, the more votes you're just taking away from the one you would prefer over the other.

Unfortunately, until 3rd parties have a better developed platform and there is election reform so they can actually stand a chance and compete with the major parties, it's a throw-away vote.

The reforms to help get 3rd party candidates elected need to happen mid-terms; just running up and voting for them during elections isn't doing anything but taking away votes from the lesser of 2 evils, leaving us with the most evil.


A wasted vote is a vote for Obama. Just as voting in California for Romney is a waste of time. Make a better choice on candidates in the Senate and Congressional seats.


GARY JOHNSON IS best but HE CANT WIN RON PAUL IS pleasant but HES now not going for walks AND A VOTE FOR either IS quite AND truly A VOTE FOR OBAMA who's THE WORST AND MOST destructive MAN IN america i encourage YOU VOTE ROMNEY he's A LESSOR of 2 EVILS WHAT EVER FAULTS HE HAS he is AN HONORABLE MAN AND HE LOVES the us OBAMA will not be AND DOES no longer


The only choice he offers is whether or not you want to take votes away from Mitt Romney. Since I don't want him to win, I'm happy for people to vote for Johnson. However, as I always say and am always ignored, with the current electoral college system you can never succeed. Remaining ignorant about how it works is the only thing that lets you dream you can.

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