You thoughts on Voter Fraud?

No matter what party you belong to, or whom you support, does it not concern you that we may have a huge number of people voting who are ineligible to vote, voting it two different states, etc? If that is not troubling to you, why not?

James E Lewis AKA choteau2012-10-13T11:45:57Z

Favorite Answer

Voter fraud is almost non-existent. Election fraud and rigging is alive and well in almost all Republican controlled districts/states.

Election fraud is what worries me.

The fact that the last person convicted of voter fraud in the US was Indiana Republican Secretary of State Charlie White says all any thinking person needs to know about who is cheating.


It is not troubling.....we have retards like you voting, that is bothersome.

BTW, wingnut mutha fucka......we don't have a huge # of inelligible voters....if we did, you're little Romney boy would be in office.

The incidence of what you're citing is a very small part of the election in general.

Why don't you find a real problem, like the House not doing their job?


Politicians can not get any more corrupt than they are now..I think we should not complain and let them "have at it": Maybe a revolution is in store. The entire system is so corrupt. The question is not weather we are concerned or not, the question is "how can we stop it?"

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder2012-10-11T23:09:35Z

Yes it is a huge problem. It made the 2000 election close and will probably make Obama win this one.


Yes, I live in Ohio an there has been people arrested here for it...Liberals I might add. From the last election.

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