How did the zombie apocalypse start in the walking dead?

Is it ever mentioned how or what started the zombie infection in the walking dead? I know Shane says that it started as a few weird stories on the news but what is the actual cause?

Flying Spaghetti Monster2012-10-14T15:57:55Z

Favorite Answer

That was never explained. Also the writers of the show don't want to dwelve into that and focus more on the drama and cation.

The Fe!2012-10-14T21:03:59Z

I know at the end of season two Rick says that it's a disease that's already inside people. All survivors are carriers is what Jenner (CDC man) told Rick before he blew the place apart. Once you die (doesn't matter how except the head of course) it reanimates you and turns you into the walking dead. The pathogen has not been said nor the source of where it came from. I mean come on, it became pandemic I doubt anyone could pinpoint the source of where it came from seeing how it went all out of hand. And I agree, I doubt the writers will go into the infection seeing as this is a show of drama and that even in the comics it hardly touched base on it.


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Quoted from IMDB..."Rick Grimes is a former Sheriff's deputy who has been in a coma for several months after being shot whilst on duty. When he wakes, he discovers that the world has been taken over by Zombies, and that he seems to be the only person still alive. "....


It was a disease that spread airborne. It was a domino effect.. 1 zombie bits a person. 2 zombies to 4. then to 10, then to 100 to 1000 to a million to the world.


Joe's answer is bang on right except... I've only seen S1&2 haven't had time for S-3 but from my brainnssss a infection or virus was somehow released to the public and after a "host" (person) is infected it dies but the brain is still alive. The brain becomes severely impaired from damage to cells and brain tissue. This leaves the host badly mobile. I dont know why but for some reason this makes them want t eat live flesh.
Dont know if that helped or not but it should ok.

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