How come the ESPN headlines are always about the Yankees?

Even when they are losing the headlines read 'Yankees trying to figure out Tigers' or something along those lines. Is Detroit that much unmarketable? And yes that is a word

Greek mamba2012-10-14T19:16:54Z

Favorite Answer

Because its new york ESPN mostly focuses on Big market teams like the Lakers,celtics,patriots etc Detroit is not one of those Big market type of cities like ny,boston,or philly. Detroit is in the middle they rarely do storylines on cities like milwaukee or kansas city. they act like La, New York, Boston and Philadelphia are the only cities with sports teams its ridiculous. Even when theyre losing ESPN rides the yankees hard. its just that the yankees are one of those teams that are dominant and sell out almost everytime they play,when you have 27 championships you get loads of attention from the media


The Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers and Cardinals are all big teams that have a huge payroll and therefore they've got to face inflated expectations. With inflated expectations comes inflated media exposure.