Have you ever made it out of Target with ONLY the item(s) you went there to buy?

I haven't.


Favorite Answer

Specifically naming Target, I usually walk out with nothing.
They don't carry clothing that fits and what little they do have is massively over-priced.

My kids gave me a $25 Target gift card.
After 10 months of searching for something I'd like on a personal level (and not succeeding!), I finally bought some groceries.

Jessie G2012-10-17T18:08:41Z

I make a point to go in with a list and only buy what I came for. Not just with Target, but all stores!


I haven't either, I wanted to just BUY 1 item but ended up with several..I like their unique colors and styles they have..we all need a variety once in awhile.Sometimes I can find things in Target that I can't find in Walmart..


I always use a shopping list. The only way I will go over my list is if I see something that I forgot to put on the list. I have always been good at avoiding impulse buying. The only store where that is an exception is Bed Bath and Beyond. I am totally addicted to that place so I avoid it like a plague!


May I substitute Walmart, please? The closest Tar-jay is over an hour away. I have come away from Walmart exactly twice with only the purchase I intended to make, both times prescriptions. And since the pharmacy is always, but always, located near the back of the store, that means I had to use a lot of will power to walk past the impulse buys. I am now done patting myself on the back.

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