Romney Said In The Debate That He Cares?

About Every America 100 Percent Do You Think That's True


I don;t

he wants to cut social security make it harder on the poor who live on it


he wants to cut all help for people who need it


disabled and handicapped and the old


I just think the people who live on social security should be safe - disabled and handicapped to


Congress Votes Itself a Pay Raise - this should not be allowed


Favorite Answer

It's sad to note that these types of "deliberate misleading" questions have
one purpose only. To provide a platform for other brain dead Liberals to spout
their tripe on.......and TRUE to form, there they are.
Answer: It would be TOO easy to provide links that would reject and contradict
your fallacious claims, but it's so close to election that I don't care anymore
about trying to educate you "people". IF Obama gets reelected, every American
who knows what this fraud, loser and poser WILL do to the country. NO DOUBT.
The ONLY silver lining ? You Liberals "think" you have some "connection" to
Obama, some "bond". You don't. For now he "needs" your gullibility, naivety
and delusion to get elected. Once in, you are no more important to him than
some insect annoying him on the golf course. And it WILL happen.


by way of fact it was humorous to a pair persons. i did no longer like Romney's function on China, weapons, Taxes, Oil, Equality for women, Healthcare , practise. i did no longer like the way wherein he tried to make use of the deaths of four human beings as a political assertion. I favored the shown fact that Obama would not pretend that we are going to compete with China in a hundred% of the exertions marketplace. i in my opinion like the reality that he realizes decrease taxes and ending regulations can no longer show the financial climate around.


CONVEX LE.... is a liar. She is too high to comprehend. But you know she is liberal, female with a big mouth, and no one likes her. Expected when her family can't stand to be around her. She sickens them too.

100% I believe he cares. And 100% Oduma doe's not. But that hasn't slowed down the liberals, surprise, surprise. LOL Idiot's.


Repeating lies doesn't make them so, nor does it convince intelligent people. You just sound like a "cheerleader" for the left wing "tin-foil hat" wearers.


I believe Romney when he said "I don't care about 47% of the country".

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