What are some methods you can use to stay awake?

Coffee and caffeine don't do anything to me except for giving me a stomach ache. I need to finish writing a paper but, I have classes until 8pm and I'm running on 3hours of sleep...


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Yikes I have a crazy class schedule too so I know how you feel. There are days where I am at school for 11 hours and it sucks. Other then caffine, I would
At School:
*Eat Mints: It actually is proven to help you stay awake (a little bit) and help your brain focus
* go to the bathroom or drinking fountain and splash cold water on my face.
*Even though it sucks.. try to stay in a COLD area. When people are cold it tends to them awake.
*MOVE AROUND every once in a while. Keeping the blood flowing helps
At Home:
*AVOID eating big meals. Eating big meals actually makes people sleepy.
*Take a cold shower (that helped me last night)
AVOID: Warm cozy areas, drinking warm beverages, and being in a comfortable location like lying on the bed.
One other thing I can think of that helps SOME people is to play music. Play like upbeat music. NOT SLOW SONGS. :D I hope this helps! Good Luck!!!


Set a plan for a short nap then start on your waiting. So you wont feel tired and wont need anything to keep you awake. Not having enough sleep can ruin your health.


Here my 5 step plan .....to stay up 5 hours.....
.#1 take a 5 nap at 8PM
.#2 wake up and take a 5 minute shower.....
.#3 do your favorite 5 minute exercise......
.#4 eat 5 Oreo Cookies....
.#5 wash them down with 5 Hour Energy Drink.....
Take 5 min breaks every 1/2 hour......


Take deep breath so your brain gets more oxygen, itll wake it up a bit

Free Birdi2012-10-18T18:27:55Z

anything that gets ur heart racing - will keep u awake - mild stress, excercise or just washing ur face w cold water

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