Romney signed a gun control bill in Massachusetts, Why is the NRA supporting him ?
While Governor of Massachusetts, Willard Romney signed a gun control bill on assault weapons. Obama has never pushed for any gun control, has never made any move to take gun rights away from American's. Why is the NRA supporting a candidate that HAS signed a gun control law ?
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Mitt has no choice because his veto would have been overridden in Massachusetts. The political establishment in Massachusetts is anti-gun.
Obama has always clearly stated that he wants to re-instate the Clinton Assault Weapons ban.
Sarah Brady, the most influential anti-gun lobbyist was reassured by Obama when he told her he was working on gun control under the radar.
Then there is Operation Fast and Furious, the administrations attempt to create a reason to attack the second amendment, stopping the flow of guns into Mexico.
No time to discuss Hillary Clinton and the UN Small Arms treaty.
Obama and most Democrats are anti-second amendment
No citizen needs to buy assault weapons, so maybe Romney did a good thing in Massachusetts. What most people don't want to give up is hand guns and hunting guns. Only thugs have assault weapons.
You think the NRA has a problem with a ban on assault weapons? Here's the question: having claimed to be pro gun control, why hasn't Obama signed a ban on assault weapons?