Really bad feeling in my home?

I have been living in it for about 6 years. no prior instances of this. Its about 10 years old, in a newer subdivision. Was not built on a graveyard or anything. no foot steps or strange noises. no sightings. no history of mental instability on my part. just a very very very overwhelming sense of dread for the last hour or two. It spooked me enough to post it, any ideas? i have a CO2 monitor in my home and its normal, i have not been confined to a single room and have been outside for a few minutes at a time so ive been getting fresh air. ive just been watching the science channel, nothing scary. idk whats going on


I dont know i am a pretty rational guy, this does not happen, everyone experiences anxiety but just not like this. Ive been listening/playing music, watching spongebob(i know its a kid show but it helps lol) and i have been texting friends but i just cannot shake this feeling. i live in a neighborhood and am surrounded by neighbors i am good friends with and my dads in the house but i feel extremely isolated, no joke its freaking me out.


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maybe you read something scary lately? i think you need some fresh air, why dont take a walk.


Maybe someone you love or care about is in some difficulty and thinking of you. I'm sure it will pass as sudden as it came. Tonight I was at the dinner table with family and we were all laughing and talking, then out of the blue I suddenly felt a warm spot at my elbow, as though someone took hold of my arm. I ignored it for a few minutes and didn't mention it to anyone, but I finally had to look at my arm to see what it could possibly be. Nothing....then the feeling went away. We can't explain everything.


Maybe something that happened earlier is bothering you? Something your scared of maybe? Don't be scared!
Mmmm deep breaths, and busy urself with something and get really tired


try dropping your fecal matter in a new location such as a housemates bed or a neighbors front walkway



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