How can I return to the 'classic' Yahoo Home Page?

Decidedly unhappy with the 'new' look. If I'd've wanted it - I'd've asked.


Favorite Answer

To go back to Yahoo Classic Mail,one solution is to disable javascript.

The current version of Yahoo Mail can't work when javascript is disabled in the web

Doing this will have a message come up :

You need to have Javascript enabled in order to use the newest version of Yahoo!

To return to a previous version of Yahoo! Mail...
•Just this one time, go to a previous version of Yahoo! Mail
•Return to a previous version of Yahoo! Mail

Choose the second option to go back.To enabled and disable javascript in all the
major web browsers,follow the instructions on this site for your browser :

If it's already enabled,un-tick to disable then click OK to finished.Then sign into Yahoo
Mail or refresh the browser once signed in.Once back in Yahoo Classic Mail follow those instructions again on the site to enable javascript.

Hope that helps you,Tidus