In your opinion, is journalism a lost art?

I've worked in journalism off and on since I was in high school. Mostly it's been broadcasting but I've done a little work in print. When I was learning the trade I was taught to get the facts and keep my opinions to myself. In other words, I didn't take political positions or try to solve mysteries. I listened to the experts and reported what they said, and attributed it.

While in college radio I was in the position of being able to editorialize and I did so rather controversially. Not one of my prouder moments. Many years later in local radio I was allowed to broadcast opinions in a segment for that purpose. When reporting news, however, I do so in as unbiased a way as I can.

I'm older than most people who are today's journalists, so I may be a little more principled. But is it too much to ask that news media stick to reporting and not try to slant their reporting or stack the evidence? Is journalism a lost art? When some reporters make things up and others ask only the questions that support their pre-supposed conclusions, are we still practicing journalism or are we trying to change the world instead of depicting it?

This question is aimed at anyone who is interested in news, be it written or electronic. Reporters or consumers of news, share your views. Am I wrong, or has my beloved avocation become a lost art?


Favorite Answer

Considering the current crop of news people I would say that it isn't lost. Just not being used.


Although journalism still keeps the 5 Ws going, it is in the toilet. Especially Yahoo news. Stories are all the same, different titles at different times of the day, but same story.
I am sorry. I have read too many Yahoo articles for this not to be true.

Ron F2012-10-23T05:57:52Z

I think jounalism is going down the toilet. Reporters are called reporters because they are supposed to report and keep their opinions to themselves. If I want to hear somebodies opinions I will listen to people like Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes, or O'reilly. They are not reporters.


I don't believe it has at all. While mankind is still interested in the world around them, journalism will always be an important part of society.