Gun control is genocide, do you agree?
There is not an equal share of power between the government and the people-let us look at the liberal state of Colorado and see where our nation is headed under Obama!
There is not an equal share of power between the government and the people-let us look at the liberal state of Colorado and see where our nation is headed under Obama!
Favorite Answer
An equal share of power doesn't mean gun-totting Americans. We DO have power... We vote. The problem with Washington is that they don't care about our wishes once the election is over and all the stumping they do is quickly forgotten.
Gun control? lol LEGAL gun owners arent the ones that commit crimes.
Bottom line: If we outlaw guns -- and only outlaws will have guns.
You don't know what genocide is. I am WAY against gun control, but gun control is mass killing of a particular ethnicity?.. no.
Drone Fodder
Of course. That's why Iran should have nuclear weapons. Restricting nuclear weapons is the same thing as nuclear war!!
Gun control is hitting your target
Gun restriction (regulation) maybe genocide!