Is Donald Trump joking?

Trumps major "bombshell" announcement was that he'll cut a check for $5 million for Obama to release his college transcripts. Is he Fking joking? THIS is what I've been waiting two days for? This is what will allow Americans to see Obama in a new light? THIS is what is going to impact the election?


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Donald Trump is the Joke! The man is a egomaniac who thinks money can buy anything. He's been married 4 times and if his wives get any younger he'll be a pedophile! Who cares about Obama's college transcripts???? Let Romney show his Tax Returns!!!


Wow ...

I think my temptation if I was Obama would be to release the transcripts and simply hand the check to one of the pro-Obama super-pacs.

But of course, I have no idea what's in those transcripts. Maybe he spent the first 2 years of his college career thinking he was going to be a chef or a hair dresser or ... something non Presidential.

Maybe he could have been somebody who could have fixed Trump's toupee ...

But alas, no such person really exists.


I never expected much from Trump. Are you sure this is his announcement? I thought it was the Obamas divorce papers.

I just looked. Donald says it is not out yet.

You were was Trumps earth shattering announcement. I was hoping he might come through this time and he didn't.


Trump is getting free publicity for his TV show. I have no respect for Trump but I have to give him credit for being able to manipulate the media into falling for his self promotion.


Not sure why the media is even giving Trump a chance to be heard. If he handed me $1million on the street I wouldnt take it. I don't let celebrities influence my opinions.

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