How to deal with body image issues in a healthy way?

'm a new mommy and my baby is 3 months old. I haven't had any success in loosing the amount of weight that I wanted to have lost by now. My body is disgusting and I can't stand the way that I look anymore. The father of my child is no longer attracted to me, he's interested in women that look nothing like me. I guess I'm becoming very depressed and going into a place that I need to avoid mentally.I haven't eaten a meal in days, I hate looking at myself. I'm looking for some help, as far as websites or programs that could help me feel better about the person I am now, while I try and work on becoming the women that I truly want to be.


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You are still recovering your hormonal balance , so it would be more difficult to lose weight. Eating lots of veggies, lean meats, fruits, with exercise will help a lot, even small walks when you are able to.
The things you are telling yourself are abusive toyourself, and your bf is also being abusive toward you.
Your body just did a complete metamorphis to bring a child into the world, and you are treating yourself like crap. That has to stop.
As far as your bf, he is a jerk, and neither of you sound capable or mature enough to be parents.
You need to get some help and please do not have another child with this loser your bf, since he is not capable of being a good husband, father until he also gets some help and appreciation for what you just did and how difficult it is to do and come back from.
Once your self esteem raises, you will not likely be interested in people like him anyway.
Seriously, get help. I have resouces listed on my home page that would help quickly, and him to, if he would do it.
For the sake of you and your child. get help.