How to deal with body image issues in a healthy way?

How to deal with body image issues in a healthy way?
I'm a new mommy and my baby is 3 months old. I haven't had any success in loosing the amount of weight that I wanted to have lost by now. My body is disgusting and I can't stand the way that I look anymore. The father of my child is no longer attracted to me, he's interested in women that look nothing like me. I guess I'm becoming very depressed and going into a place that I need to avoid mentally.I haven't eaten a meal in days, I hate looking at myself. I'm looking for some help, as far as websites or programs that could help me feel better about the person I am now, while I try and work on becoming the women that I truly want to be.


Favorite Answer

Check out this site:

It's lots of mommas sharing their feelings (and photos) of their after-baby bodies. I *think* it will help you with image.

I think you are looking at this all wrong hun. You say "while I try and work on becoming the women that I truly want to be." - who you ARE is fine. You won't become a new woman at any weight or shape. It is fine to want to work on getting into better shape or being happier with your overall appearance BUT never confuse that with you are. You can always *be* someone you like regardless of what is going on the outside. The fact that you even say "he's interested in women that look nothing like me" alarms me. He should be "interested" in anyone but you & that baby. If I had to guess why you are depressed I'd say it has more to do the way he is acting than how you look.

Big hugs momma! It takes time to get back to yourself, but you'll get there. Stop beating yourself up & love yourself. <3


I feel so sorry for you! and im disgusted in the fact that your boyfriend isnt sticking by you no matter what you look like! that isnt what a true boyfriend should be like :(

I had a baby 3 months ago aswell, and felt EXACTLY the same as you do right now. i hated my body, thought it was disgusting, i hated looking in the mirror or going clothes shopping because everything looked horrible on me. i cried almost every day because i was so depressed. This was about a 1 ago though..

To make this short, i basically got so fed up i just got up off my **** and went to the gym, and started dieting. as i stopped breastfeeding at 6 weeks i cant lose weight in that way anymore.

I still have 3 main meals a day, including 1 healthy snack between lunch and dinner. (all healthy food, no junk) and i also burn 600 calories at the gym 5 days a week, and it only takes me 50 mins to a hour in the gym, it flys by! and its a BRILLIANT way of getting out the house. trust me!

Result? ive lost 10lb in 1 month, and my jeans ACTUALLY fit!?! where as before there wasnt a hope in even getting them on! theyre still a bit tight, but the weight lose is keeping me motivated to carry on dieting and exercising :)

Also when i get home after a good work out, i feel on top of the world.. i have so much energy. and ive noticed that the depressed has now stopped since ive been going to the gym. i havnt cried from depressed for over a month! i seriously havnt felt better. and i cant believe its only taken 1 month for all this to change! i would seriously recommend it, its really hard to take that first step and getting yourself to go, but trust me.. its so worth it.

Nope NO2012-10-25T08:39:56Z

I feel your pain. My husband was exactly like that. My husband said it had nothing to do with me, he just felt a certain distance since we couldn't have sex for the first 6 weeks, and I was never in the mood to please him in other ways. I was so depressed that I lost 22pounds by 7 weeks postpartum, but was still unhappy because of he would watch porn 5x a week or what not.. I made him leave. After he left, I began running 4 miles a day and lost even more weight, but at a more healthy pace. I got down to 126 and still losing weight. Your depression may be what's stopping you from losing weight. Some women actually gain weight when they're depressed. Like I said, it could just be the relationship you're in.


After 3 months your body hasn't even recovered all the way from birth, your belly will still be swollen a little and flabby. Give it a few more months and your belly will start to look better! Then start dieting and exercising. The first few months are very stressful so it's normal to even gain some weight. I know I did. My daughter is 7 months and I'm just starting my dieting ad exercising !


Sounds like you could have a contact of post natal despair see your general practitioner who can aid you have got to study to accept this new put up child body .Undertaking is best mood lifter and can tone and get you back to your pre pregnancy weight .