Dog just ate part of a squirrel on our walk tonight.?

My neighbor and I were walking and my beagle grabbed part of a dead squirrel off the road. It was too late to do anything about it. I called my vet and she had me give her some Laxatone to help her get rid of everything. She sleeps with me too wonderful. What effects will she have eating a dead squirrel? Only SERIOUS people please. I would appreciate it.


Favorite Answer

Your dog will be fine. As long as she has her rabies shot I wouldn't worry. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a little diarrhea or maybe some vomiting. If there was anything to be too concerned about, your vet would have told you when she gave you the Laxatone.


He'll probably be okay considering he didn't eat the entire squirrel! but I'd be concerned about what killed the squirrel, and about any worms the animal might have been carrying. I'd get him dosed (tapeworms). And keep an eye on him for the next 24 hours or so.

Add - As squirrels carry tons of fleas, I'd suggest you check him for fleas!