Would like to know what is wrong with this answer?

Hi Computer Technician,
The answer you gave on Yahoo! Answers was reported by the Answers community:
"Install Ccleaner and run it. It will clean out your temporary internet files. Each time you go to a web site you accumulate temporary internet files. If I go on a lot of web sites I run Ccleaner several times per/day. ♦note♦ It may or may not clear your saved passwords. On some computers it does, and some it don't. http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/"
This answer has been removed and 10 points have been deducted from your account. You may not have realized this, but all answers submitted on Yahoo! Answers must comply with the Answers Community Guidelines.
I don't understand? Does anyone know why or what?

Son of T32012-10-25T19:59:11Z

Favorite Answer

It all depends on the question, which you did not supply. So it might not be an answer to the question posed. Also, if you are posting this answer for many computer questions, it is going to be considered spam. If you want to know the reason for the violation, post "Why was this question (answer) a violation?" and add the original e-mail you got and any added details you remember so the users can see the exact context. The experienced users here will explain it to you. There is no statute of limitations on breaking the YA rules.


I believe that if you are a Top Contributor, the position demands accuracy. This answer is not accurate in the *note* and the answerer obviously does not understand the program he/she is touting. The clearing of "Saved Passwords" is a function in the program that you may select or deselect, as is "Autocomplete Form History" and many other options. This has nothing to do with what computer you are using. Saved Passwords are not "temporary internet files".
Although I do not really see a violation of community guidelines, I say take the ten points away. How this person got to be a Top Contributor with such a lame answer is beyond me. Doesn't Yahoo want the best answerers to be Top Contributors or is the fan base so full of newbies, you can get 10 points for putting up anything, wrong or right.


I'm assuming your answer was an attempt to answer the actual question being asked, not doing so would be a violation, so other than that the only thing I can think of is that some users must've thought your answer was spam or something.

So it appears you've actually done nothing wrong, that you've been falsely reported, and that you should definitely appeal this violation. If you win your appeal then the reporter(s) will lose reporting ability with their future reports and you'll have your answer and points restored.


I personally can't see anything wrong with it and, as a previous person has pointed out, you are trying to help someone with a problem, which Q and A is all about. I would refute it with Yahoo. I've heard many times of TC's being reported for no reason other than possibly jealousy!


I agree with Rev. seems to me Computer Tech was just trying to be helpful to the best of his ability and not endorsing or pushing a product. People should be thankful for free honest advice from someone who knows his trade and is willing to share his knowledge as to what works for them and not penalize this, if not, what is the purpose of this whole thing? I say Let the man do his thing, his advice to me on an issue a while back proved valuable and solved my problem, and I am very grateful....

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