Has America forgotten how the last Republican president destroyed the U.S. economy?


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Not me. The president is doing it right. It does take time to correct a 9 year plunge, to do it right. cons will never see the light, no matter what the truth is, and then there is the racists morons. And don't tell me it isn't skin color. I've already heard, and seen too much.
People will actually accept to go back to the Bush policies because the opponent is white. It's CRAZY!
Add: "daddy" when the President was inaugurated in 2008, the national debt was 10.626 Trillion. Bush put 2 wars, and a expensive drug program on credit card, plus two tax deductions. I guess the republicans weren't to good at math, including Romney.

Jeff D2012-10-27T12:37:59Z

How did he do that?

Isn't it strange that a Republican President can supposedly destroy the US economy, even with the Democrats controlling Congress, but a Democratic President can't get a jobs bill passed?


Has America forgotten that the last president of the U.S. buried Americans even more? Stop blaming Bush. Obama has FUBR'd these country even more. He has increased the deficit had unemployment over 8%


Have liberals forgotten how the current Democrat president is destroying the U.S. economy?


Yes, we forgot... The latest Democrat president topped that many times over, so the last republican president looks like a saint in comparison. And we've heard that "Bush's fault" excuse for far too long, we can't remember what his fault was...

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