clocks drift in gps-what`s the drifting related to?

pls explain,don`t state just relativity or atmospheric conditions...drift is random or systematic?


about relativity i heard before,but i guess no prove whatsoever...i incline to believe in electronics and random values...


thank you for answers


Favorite Answer
... variations in total electron content
... seasonal effects analyzed.

Probably not random, probably systematic, but still under investigation (only two papers at, which is surprising). I doubt it will be a single candidate.


It is called gravitational time dilation.

The stronger the gravitational field, the slower the clocks run according to a distant (zero gravity) observer.

So to someone in outer spac, clocks near the surface of the earth run slower (more gravity) than the clocks further from the earth in a satellite (less gravity).

Hence, for us on earth, clocks in satellites run faster systematically.
The effect is small but important enough that it needs adjustments for GPS etc to work.