Do game designers play video games???(don't even know if this is even my question :( )?
ok so where do I start...
Ever since I started self learning game design and such I just can't enjoy games the same way again. Like i start to over analyze them and think things like if I'll ever be able to make something nearly as great as this or not. Last year this also happened but somewhere a long the way I got over it but now it's worse because now I'm learning much more seriously. It's like i feel that if i actually become a game designer I just won't be able to play video games and I don't want this, I want to be able to play other games as always not only make my own and never again play games from other industries/companies .It's highly frustrating cause just about a week ago I wasn't feeling like this, i was all hype for AC3 and then boom no hype at all. To many I know this will sound stupid or silly but video games a huge part of my life and I don't want to lose the love I have for them, sure I have a life and all but in a way they are part of my life (not wanting to sound weird there tho). Like so many good memories and they got me out of certain difficult times, i ended up becoming a writer and I thought, what better way to express ideas than to someday make my own games besides books(which i love also). Has anyone ever wondered this or had a similar situation?