Have you heard about the noises in the skies!!!!!!!?

I watched a video and the people said they heard these noises in the sky. I DID NOT BELIEVE THEM AT FIRST, so I looked up on youtube and there are hundreds of videos about it. Also, looked it up, there are news reports in the local cities about it.

I want to know WTF this is! I need a clarification from scientist or some other people what the heck this is. First I hear that the poles were shifting, then I heard that it had something to do with radioactive waves, or maybe 2012 "hoax". I never thought the world was going to end in 2012 especially not from zombies. But God said he could come back any day so it could very well be 2012. I can't make a conclusion about this yet but horns sounding= revelations in Bible. Letting you have a head up.

No news reports on it, nothing. Do scientist, newscasters know something that all of us regular people don't know.


Brigalow Bloke2012-11-03T15:02:21Z

Favorite Answer

Yes, scientists and a lot of others do know something you do not.

These sounds are

1. Copied from the recent War of the Worlds movie.

2. Traffic noise, specially on grooved section of roads.

3. A sound file from a widely available software package.

1 to 3 are all fake. There are many fakes on YouTube.

4. Some noises that actually exist like rumbles and hums heard in particular locations turn out to be ventilation fans or other power equipment. Some sounds travel up sewage lines. There are a few for which there is no known explanation though in one area wind turbulence over hilltops may be the cause. All these are strictly local and are not world wide despite the lying claims made by some people.

These have nothing to do with Bible prophecy though the makers of these fake videos want you to think so. Big hint. When someone tells you stuff like this it is almost certainly a fraud and somebody wants you to click on a web site with advertising, buy a magazine or book or just straight out give them money. Your friends do not know any better than you.

See also -


Interesting. I thought it was just thunder...or at least that's the only noise I've heard from the sky. :/