What if i go into labor on my own before my scheduled c-section?

I'm 34 weeks and 3 days and I am scheduled for a c section on the 10th of December. But i have already dropped and i am constantly having pains. What would the dr do if i was to go into labor on my own before my c section?

I have a dr's appointment friday. He will be doing the group b strep test and checking my cervix for dilation.


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If you go into labor, they will just give you a c section then. That actually happened to me. Back in 2010, I was scheduled for a c section for March 5th. I went into labor at 3:30am on the 28th of February. I had a c section at 11:59am that day.


ok I have read that the baby drops around 36 weeks pregnant but could drop earlier. but that doesn't necessarily mean you will go into labor really soon.

Atheism itself is your best shot at heaven !!2012-11-06T03:39:57Z

Then your scheduled C turns into an emergency C. No biggie - you go to the hospital and have your surgery.