He's 4 and a half months old and he wont stop eating his poop. I've tried giving him pineapple and those pills but those dont seem to work at all. Is there anything i could do. I've heard about hot sauce but i'm super iffy about it. Please! My parents are thinking about giving him away and if they do i'll be devastated. Any advice will be good. Suggest brands of poopie pills that are extra strength and get the job done for PUPPIES. Any fruit that help too. Please i just dont want him gone ive been too attatched to him and i dont know what i would do without him.
Sharon T2012-11-06T12:22:21Z
Favorite Answer
Try to sprinkle Meat Tenderizor on his food before he eats. It will make it smell and taste horrible. He should stop within days.
It depends on the age of the puppy to how you can scold it.Not just puppies eat cat poop but grown dogs do to.Always keep your litter box clean.You must let it no some way that its a bad thing to do.Tell it no or bad with a loud voice.Never hit it.I have cats and dogs and I had to train them to stay out of the litter box.It need to understand you don't like that and sometimes it can hurt there feelings which is a good thing.Clean the box daily and eventually there won't be anything there for it to eat.And it will stop.
He could be lacking something in his diet and thinks if he eats the poop the caraving for whatever he needs will go away, My puppy used to eat wood because he wasn't getting some weird mineral or something. Try feeding him a different food and see if it stops.
Some dogs are poop eaters as some one has said lol, try picking up his poop as soon as he does it and get rid of it so that the next time he goes out there is no poop there for him to find and eat. You can also try different methods of training, use a spry or electric collar. Or you can put him on a leash every time you put him outside, walk him, and then when he poops immediately take him away from the poop give him a chew toy and tell him good boy. Eventually after he poops he will go find a toy to chew on instead of eating the poop. Good luck with him(:
You can try adding pineapple to his poo which is supposed to make it taste bad. Or there are some commercial products on the market (Distaste, Deter, Forbid) which do the same. Give one of these a try and then just monitor him when he goes outside and keep the yard picked up really well.
Puppies often grow out of this habit - but not always.
ADD: It COULD be his food. But there are dogs who are fed good high quality dog food and still eat their poo and the poo of other dogs. There is some debate as to whether it is a nutritional deficiency or just a bad habit - possibly picked up from watching the mother dog eat the feces of her litter to keep the den clean. Many puppies, kept on good quality food, spontaneously stop eating poo while others don't. It just depends on the dog.
Try changing his food. I heard some dogs eat their poop because they can't digest all of their food due to some ingredient in it and they see their poop as something that's already somewhat digested. Or just take the pup out on a leash as as sooner as he's done popping take him away from the area.