Is this just the beginning of a new wave of job losses?

Layoff Tsunami following election:

Since the election Tuesday, 10 companies have cut nearly 7500 jobs based upon FUTURE economic predictions.

This is in only (2) days people!


Ed and Libraryanna:

You really need to get a clue when it comes to economics.


Business, economical, and financial leaders understand that Democrats do not typically have a healthy economy while in office. They usually tend to deter innovation, job creation, and general production in all sectors of the economy.

Many will cite the success of Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton during his (8) years in office, but it is generally agreed by most economists that he benefited from an abnormality in what is now known as the "dot-com" bust. He was also stonewalled into balancing the budget by a Republican controlled Congress for 6 out of his 8 years.

Things are going to get worse in the next (4) years and President Obama is going to use every single "tragedy" or "disaster" to grab more and more power and enact more and more government programs to further strip away the individual liberties of the citizens of the United States.


Oh, my household does not have cable tv, only local channels

daniel l2012-11-10T10:32:54Z

Favorite Answer

I think if the repubs would have let obama have his way ppl would have known how dumb his ideas are and he would have lost, let them see what its like four years from now when no one has a job to support them and their socialist agenda then maybe they will have a clue


Wow, you are really not ready for life or business. Amazing how you ignorant people ignore the fact that we were losing 800,000 jobs a month four years ago under GW. That's more than 25,000 jobs a DAY. But you want to return to those economic policies. Please, get an education.

Anyone stupid enough to quote Glenn Beck, who was too nuts even for Fox, really has issues.

If a company is doing massive layoffs, it's been a long time coming and probably due to the fact the GOP has blocked any jobs and stimulus plans that Obama has proposed.

Only someone really ignorant could try to lay this at the feet of Obama or the election.


there are plant closures in all economies, good times and bad. you know, they no longer make buggy whips? an entire industry got wiped out in the Great Depression.

in a recovery, there are more new jobs created than new applications for unemployment, those are the stats that count. for the 3rd quarter of 2012, there were 138,484 lay-offs, but the net growth in jobs was 378,000. so that is about 4 new jobs for each one lost.

the future economic developments you refer to is the Fiscal Cliff that was put in place by the Tea Party Republicans. Obama is offering to help the Republicans out of the crises they created.


Businesses are preparing for the pending obama disaster.


Financial loss also. All those republican campaign workers with campaign financed credit cards found out their cards got shut down not long after romney conceded defeat.

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