Nick Foles in, thoughts?


I know there is not much to think off in regards to him getting in, but I wonder if Foles won't do enough that he could end up keeping the job.


@TNT - I really liked his college team as well, I think Vick lost his job in Philadelphia for good.


@David - Kind of a lose - lose situation for me, if Foles is great that is bad for the Giants, if he sucks then my scouting was wrong. Maybe him being good, but the rest of the teams choking is the best case scenario for me.


@Mr. C - I think Vick is gone regardless, with his huge contract they will cut him unless he really changes in the second half of the season, only question is if Foles will start next year, or they will bring in somebody else.


@oveplayaboy888 - I know, I'm asking if you think Foles will play well and take Vick's job away, anyhow if he finds a way to win this division game then I don't think Andy Reid could bench him really, he'd most likely lose the locker room in the process if he tried.




Favorite Answer

there's not much to think so far. He is in because Mike Vick had a concussion. So, far, he hasn't done much, almost threw a pick six.

I think you are jumping the gun. Foles hasn't really done anything to take the job away from Vick, at least not in this game, at least not yet. Even if Foles came out and threw for 200 yards, there would still be controversy. He only has 18 yards so far and most of his completions have been easy checkdowns. The Eagles are in deep doodoo.

Boise Brett2012-11-11T22:36:34Z

How hysterical would it be if he has a big game and the Eagles win? Now Andy Reid would look like an even bigger pendejo for not benching Vick before.


If he plays great, I could see him competing for Vick's job. If not, Vick's future with the Eagles will most likely be secured.


I'm kinda hoping he fails just to see how all the people who called for him try to make themselves not look like idiots.


No thoughts.

edit: I've seen a lot of him at Arizona. He was pretty good.

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