When I turned the key on my harley it started clicking?

I turned on the key and my Harley started clicking but I did not even hit the start button. Is something wrong with my starter or what is it?

Candid Chris2012-11-12T12:11:12Z

Favorite Answer

Most likely a short in the starter button itself, a squirt of WD 40 should be all it needs but it may need additional attention.


Harleys use circuit breakers rather than one time fuses. Does anything else electrical function? If not, it could be a relay clicking on and off and not the starter relay. My buddy had that happen one time and I found a wire inside the headlight shell that had the insulation worn through, causing a short.

Elaine D2012-11-13T01:09:40Z

The 2 other answers are on the right track but MORE info is needed...."my harley clicks".....doesnt say much.

Always give year, make and model and detailed decription of noise, what it sounds like, where does it come from etc


that is the starter relay making contact - so everything works down to that point.

after that everything could be suspect.

Lack of battery power
connection from battery to relay to starter suspect
relay (switch) power side suspect
starter motor dead
engine seized
earth from battery to relay to earth on frame or starter earth suspect

check that there are not other interventionist switches eg side stand up, clutch in, kill switch on,
