What can/should I do if I believe one of my children is so careless and negligent that they are a danger...?

...to my other children.

No intended malice, but Even when supervised, this child uses all possible freedoms to make the worst possible judgment calls, and they are dangerous.

Any tips?


Favorite Answer

Talk to the kid. Ask about the choices this kid makes, propose other options and ask if the other options aren't better. Where needed show the consequences of the wrong choices, like hurting someone and then ask if that is something this kid wants. By letting them see their mistakes instead of just telling them it's wrong, you help them understand why. That makes them feel supported and most likely will help improve the situation.

Hope this helps.


Giver time out; in a room with nothing in it; woop time out; woop time out; woop time out; woop woop. time out again; never give up the time out always time out no mater how long it takes i was, once timed out and I homed in on what i was doing wrong so I wouldn't ever have another time out!


I wish you made all your children via my sperms... Whip the child... LOL