what is wrong with my dog?

I have a 10 month puppy he has all hes shot, he became acting weird today when i got home, he seems weak, ears are down like hes scared & runny nose, when we tries to sleep he will get up randomly & just stare at nothing for about a minute then lay down & do it over, i dont know if this has anything to do with it but about a week ago he would wake up at night & start hacking but nothing would come out this lasted only 2 days.

Van Diana2012-11-16T05:50:42Z

i think he ate something bad for him if he's hacking .. try calling your vet for further advice.


Sounds Like a cold. Call your vet tho, you may or may not need to take him in.


sounds like he has a cold mabye a trip to the vet might be in order