What would you like on your pizza?

...And, where do you like to get your pizza? For delivery, the top contenders seem to be Pizza Hut and Domino's. Some people prefer carry-out, and that broadens the field some, to Papa John's, Little Ceasar's and Cici's. You can order pizza to dine in at a lot of different places. Or you can buy frozen and bake it at home. Top contenders, Red Baron, Tombstone, Degiorno's, to name just a few.

I used to like Shakey's. I don't know if they are still in business anywhere but they left San Antonio. There was a place in Albuquerque and Las Cruces called Casa Luna that had really good dine-in pizza. And then there was the Italian place in Chicago with the deep crust, and New York pizza is pretty special, too.

So what's it gonna be? Well, I like Pizza Hut better than Domino's, but I'll get specials from either one. For me it's gotta be the combination with onion, pepperoni, various meats, mushroom, bell peppers and lots of cheese. Deep dish please. I'll pass on the olives, unless you want 'em, and then we can share.

What's your pleasure?


Favorite Answer

I happen to like my pie loaded, viz., packing a wide variety of meats and vegetables, all set in a blend of Romano, Parmeggiano and part-skim Mozzarella cheeses on a Durum semolina crust. Papa Murphy's is a good vendor for the host prepared to bake multiple pies for guests; they have three stuffed pizza varieties available as of November 2012. Dining out, Round Table, Mountain Mike's and Papa John's are all in a tight race for the customer's dollar.


Aurellio's is by far the best and my favorite pizza place but they really are only in the midwest.
Giordano's is also one of my favs too. For frozen pizza I like Degiorno's and California Kitchen. My favorite toppings would have to be pepperoni with onions.


Cheese, tomatoe slices, onions and peppers

I normally make my own pizza but I would get a pizza from Pizza Express and I think they let you take your own cheese to add to the pizza?


Chicken Tikka, Sweetcorn, Mild Chillies..


Papa Johns, I get it thick crust with mushrooms, pineapple, pepperoni, sometimes canadian bacon(its kinda like ham but its sooooo darn goood!!!), cheese (obviously) maybe sausage, I like the vegetable pizza too.

Darn my stomach is growling!

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