Should i apologize to her? kinda stuck?

i use to talk this girl and like we were good friends talked on the daily basis and i told i like her and she was like we're just friends and stuff i was like cool and like a while later she told me to delete her from fb and like she deleted me from skype and all. she said he parents have her fb password and stuff. we havnt talked in like 6 months lol and like i texted her from a different number and she was like whos this? how should i reply? should i be like "first of all if i did anything wrong im sorry" or what?


Favorite Answer

Just tell her it's you. If she doesn't reply try talking it out in person. Over text you'll say things you normally wouldn't.


Noo tell her who it is first, she'll get creeped out if she gets a message like that from a random stranger. Say "Its me, *your name*. I just want to talk"