How do I change language to English for Chrome check-as-you-type spell checker?

Currently every English word is underlined when I type in an email, or for example typing in this message. This problem started when I downloaded and installed a new version of Chrome here in Mexico where I live. I have changed every configuration setting I can find to English but it does not help. How can I fix this?


@Justin: I just did that and selected English (US) and saved it, but the behavior is the same, i.e. it did not fix the problem. I'm beginning to think the downloaded file sets this based on something it detects on the machine downloading the file. Thanks for trying. Any other ideas?


My version of Chrome is: Version 23.0.1271.64 m . I think the m at the end may indicate Mexico. In any case it is all in Spanish and remains so even after selecting US English as my preferred language. Further, there is no "settings" button to click on and nothing that remotely translates from Spanish to English as settings either. There is a "herramientos" button which translates to "tools" but no "idiomas" (languages) button under it. There is also a button for configuration, but again nothing under it seems to help. Ultimately, revisiting Justin's suggestion gave me a fix. Going to his link brought up a page with 2 versions of Spanish on it and no other languages. I had to figure out a way to add English, which went to the bottom, then I had to drag it to the top (otherwise it would not work). It then looked like this: I thought clicking the "Aceptar" would then make it work. But not


But not even after closing and restarting Chrome did it work. I had to click the top box (counter-intuitive) on the right. It then asked if I wanted to use that language to correct orthography and I answered yes and closed and restarted Chrome, and presto now it works!


Favorite Answer

enter this in new tab bar: chrome://chrome/settings/languages


Very easy jb go into settings click advanced settings,languages then spell checker setting,unclick the enable button then okay hay presto m8.


i detect that slightly ordinary myself. It would not appear like twist of fate and it actual does no longer be that difficult to repair. maximum of people come on YA shouting approximately how they Yahoo is liberal and helps Obama, however the spell-verify difficulty could propose otherwise. (Palin is reported as "undeniable", however... perhaps this is a remark from the Yahoo execs as nicely ? )

Vikram P2012-11-27T09:22:01Z

Have you tried all the steps mentioned over here?

or as a last resort you may try to reinstall Chrome.