Is labor near for me?

I am 37 wks and 4 days with my 2nd child. I was induced with my first so i have now idea what im looking for.

For the past week my symptoms have been-
-I have been sleeping a lot.
-Feeling lots of pressure
-Very achy
-I feel like im getting sick with a cold.
-Having braxton hicks(possibly real)
-On Thanksgiving i was in pain all day long.

Does this sound anything like what you experienced? If so how long after did you go into labor?
Is there a chance i could go into labor in the next few days?


I am scheduled to have a c section on the 10th of December. So i really only have 12 days to go.


Favorite Answer

I would say don't plan on it. It's really hard if you are counting day by day. I thought I was close at that time but ended up being 10 days late. The last few days before I went into labor I felt like I just got off a horse because the baby was so low.

I'm sorry it's hard but it's usually better for the baby if you are further along.