Xbox 360 won't connect to Xbox Live?

When i try to update my xbox it take forever and it wont even get to 1/4 of the update without it just sitting there. Right where the download bar is under it is the loading bar process usually it will load until ths letter "n" in "downloading..." Then after a while it will stop and give me an error saying that its connected to the internet but cant connect to xbox live. It always happens with the updates and ladt time it took me atleast 8 trys before it officially downloaded and i got lucky.

I dont know what the problme is? I tried xbox live support and tht didnt help. So my last resort is here and im dessperate. I hope someone out there has the same problem as i do and hopefully fixed this problem. If you know anything please tell me in details.

Btw the status code is: 3F4A - 0000 - 3080 - 0508 - 8007 - 2EE2
Hopefully that helped. Thanks again

Kendall R.


Favorite Answer

Be sure to check your internet connection, cuz i got the same problem.What i did was go to connections and re-enter the WPA code and see if it will connect

Hope this helps =D


If you have the slim version (S) then get the network adapter and plug it into the USB. Most likely it is just out of range of the internet range.