Can You Give This Painting A Suitable Title?

This is just one of those dummied down things I put on canvas as a short mental ‘vacation’ from the more serious work. Though finished this morning this stupid thing (and I mean stupid in a cutesy sort of way) is still deserving of it’s own title. I’ve already discounted ‘DNA Block Party’ and ‘Popcorn Entropy’ as possibilities. And am open to any suggestions you guys might have.


Mr. Jones, something with 'shades of grey' in the title might just work. And Julian, I even like a title with something about 'nursing' in the title. All of these replies so far are pretty good. I can see both 'viewpoint,' because these do look like eyes, and even cholesterol is workable.


Love And B Loved, kindred spirits always seem to inspire each other in some way or another. I'm inspired by fellow artists, writers, poets including you.


I’ve decided to call this ‘Eye Contact’ and two of you, Grant and Alberich, helped me come up with the title. I wish you both could share the best answer but Yahoo doesn’t work that way. Still I want to thank all of you who played along.


Favorite Answer

"Stop Looking at Me: DAMM YOU"

Sorry; pretty lame, I know; but best I could come up with.



Nice to see you back on this site, Doc. We have missed you. I won't suggest a title for you because, as you know, the title should add to the artist's intent and I have no idea about your intent in making this image. Only you know that.


. As you have purely stated, the unemployed idiots come out after ineffective night. prefer i could desire to furnish some genuine help on your question, even inspite of the undeniable fact that it is been too some years by way of fact i've got been in school. . .

She Dances With Love2012-12-02T14:40:30Z

Clusters of Life
Bubblin' Brews...
Appeals to me...orrr
Seeds of Life with You..
I Cord of Life..
a pair of dize...

I am so glad
I saw this quest
fours and sixes
two's and three's
x and y... makes
yous and mes...
and with a bonus plus...
sum tymes zzz'zzzz's!

What is amazing to me, is how a question, can take on a life of its own. This seemed to happen within me, a wondrous journey into a new thing, amazin' how a work of art does that, huh? Thanks a bunch... Doc... Wilson... :)

Julian of N.2012-12-01T20:43:14Z

"mental health musing"

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