What role does a Corporal play in the Army ?

My Dad was a Korean War infantry soldier who went through a terrible battle. He was a Corporal. I know it is a higher rank than a private . But that's all. Does he have any kind of command ?


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corporal just means your a sgt in training you still have to listen to anybody ranked higher than you but you get to control those who are ranked underneath you... your like a squad leader in a way.. or the middle man... you have leadership over pvt pv2 pfc but you mainly just repeat to the little guys what the sgts are too lazy to say on their own


Corporals usually fill the rolls of Sergeants when there aren't enough Sergeants available or serve as assistants to Sergeants.

In the Army, normally a Corporal is a Team Leader in a combat arms unit (i.e. Infantry, Artillery, Armor) in charge of 3-6 men depending on the type of unit.


a corporal is an E4 and it is a command position [meaning leading someone] rather than a staff
position as in a specialist E4 which I was] he is the lowest "non commissioned officer" in any service.

he commands, when order to--by a sergeant, his PFCs and privates.
the ranks and positions are--for enlisted---

fire team leader--PFC if no Corporal is available [5-men] it is 1/2 of a squad
squad leader--Corporal and sgt E5 [2 fire teams--and in this case, fire means battle line, not fire engine fire]
platoon leader--4 squads, Sgt E7, with 4 Sgts and 2-6 corporals
company first sergeant--E8, in charge of all enlisted men in the company, under the command
of the company commander, an officer known as a captain and if no capts are around, a first lieutenant.

I love military ranks!

so, corporals direct/lead his E 3s and 2s and 1s. He reports to a sgt E5.


The Corporal rank is kinda "old school" When I was an Infantryman, our Corporals were put in the gun teams. They were usually our Assistant Machine Gunners (and team leaders) for the crew serve weapons, and 240B's. Corporal rank is rare and the above poster is right. They are usually Sergeants in training, ready to be NCO's.


Corporal is considered a non commisioned officer (NCO),but is the same pay grade (E4) as a Specialist. They are primarily used in combat arms units like Infantry as a team leader or as a backup in case something happens to the other NCO's in battle, there always needs to be someone in charge.

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