Why does Obama not have a budget going on 5 years, that is against the law, and why is he getting away with it?

He is the first President to never have a budget, and to say to the American people screw you I do what I want. And the media say nothing if it was a Republican President they would be screaming.


@ Aubrey liberals just can't handle the truth.


Obama put forth a budget, and Reid would not bring it to the floor for a vote that's how bad it was.


The Executive makes makes the budget, the legislative branch makes changes and approves it. They would not approve the Obama budget, again can't handle the truth.


Favorite Answer

Obama has spent a lot of money outside the preferred channels, in actions by his
many tsars, in presidential decrees, and discretionary spending.

He wants to spend more, not control his expenditures.

Congress has not been willing to approve his runaway budgets, and he has refused
to stop. He has put us into a situation of bankrupcy.

The "fiscal cliff" arguments lately just mean that he has broken every piggie bank he can find, he wants access to more money, and Congress has not been willing to fund his ineptness.

Obama has been a failure as a president.


awbee, you ignorant slút, the economy was brought down by overspending (Democrap Congress), by Al Quieda (9/11), and the morons Barney Frank & Chris Dodd when they REFUSED to reign in Fredd & Fannie (that CAUSED the housing collapse), with the help of Bill Clinton's deregulation of the banks.

Obama doesn't need any law or a budget...he does whatever he wants despite the law, just like any other criminal.

It's a pity that ignorant people think Republicans are the "do nothing" crowd when in fact, it's Reid who won't let any Republican have any input or add an amendment or participate in any meaningful committee. But then, you can't believe much of what a lying Democrap says.


People who have any brain realize it's Congress who is supposed to pass a budget. Because Republicans refuse to be reasonable, they can prevent ANYTHING from getting done.

But we'll see. If the Senate changes the rules back to how they were for most of our history, to where Senators have to actually filibuster, instead of just saying they will, at least the Senate may become functional again.

As we can see in the House, the FEW Republicans who are willing to be reasonable can vote with Dems, to get things done.

Uh, whoever told you Obama said that was lying to you. Of course, anyone who wasn't brain dead would have KNOWN that.

LOL "that's how bad it was" -- that's how bad Senate REPUBLICANS are. Republicans are happy to completely destroy the country, if they think it will make Dems look bad. Most Americans have sufficient brain to see through that.

Only morons blame the party that is TRYING to accomplish things, instead of the party that PREVENTS anything from being done.

Don't wing-nuts EVER get tired of being WRONG about EVERYTHING?


if you look at the united states budget process you will see what the truth really is. There are laws that have to be followed for a budget and if you don't understand those laws and the process , you have no real answer.


Congress has to pass the budget. Do you think a President just makes a budget and signs it? You need some basic civics education.

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