Why did Gore sell Current TV so fast?

was it to escape the Obama tax hike before it go's into effect, he made 100 million, the man has sided with Al-Jazeera, Time Warner also wanted to by it but Gore said they do not share his point of view, but Al- Jazeera does! a news organization that hates this country and everything it stands for, I am so glad Time Warner pulled the plug. They will not be able go into 40 million homes and spread their propaganda. Gore is a typical rich socialist liberal they want us to pay more but not them. Even Buffet sold off a few things before they tax man comes. I thought rich liberals like to pay taxes.


The point is liberals want the rich to pay more taxes, as long as it's not them.


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gore is all about the money, not about the environment or left-wing principles.


Of path Al Gore is a capitalist. So are most liberals -- including myself ( I started and run my own business). And al-Jazeera is an global media organization. They arent in charge for Qatar's environmental insurance policies any longer than the Sierra club is responsible for the polluted mess of la.


Well you got part of the end of that right. Rich liberals like other people to pay taxes.


i wouldn't call Obama;s plan as a tax hike because the tax after bush's plan end was suppose to be 55% but he brought it down to 40%, which is a tax break not a tax hike. and I truly don't know. I don't think it has anything to do with Obama's tax plan, but if it does than Gore, you're a freaking dead man in my eye. anyway, i don't care who bought it as long as they don't change TYT. and please, you are being very stupid right now just by writing whatever that you're writing.

John W2013-01-03T22:15:30Z

Al Jazeera thought is was a comedy show

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