Is there cause for concern when no new questions are asked in SC for days?

I noticed, yesterday and today, that the same questions are still at the top of the list. Does that mean we're on our way out?


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Yahoo should be concerned, it means the report monkeys are chasing members away and there's fewer and fewer people to read the ads. Instead of giving the bogus reporters so much power they should get rid of them. Seniors are the group with the highest amount of disposable income in the USA.


I hope we're not on our way out. There are many people like myself - who are home bound and turn to our computers - for a connection to the outside world. For six and a half years - answers has been a place for me to spend and enjoy a few hours - each day. Not so anymore.

I do check in and answer questions that I can relate to - only to find that - now my answers are being deleted too. If I ask a question - nine times out of ten - my question gets deleted.

I have not joined in with other groups - but those who have - I hope will come back

They say time changes everything - so lets hope those who - spend their time reporting - will get a life and move on.
Good question.

M P A2013-01-14T12:38:30Z

Some people here (S***ieb and S****aire) seem to be totally unaware that the system isn't working as it should. People can report and get others removed but challenging the deletions is a whole different ball game. Yahoo or simply not responding to those of us who challenge unfair deletions.

Jeremy has had a tremendous number of questions and, almost as many answers, deleted within seconds of posting them and tells me that he has not had one reply from Yahoo. Yahoo used to reply to anyone challenging a deletion by saying that it was either reinstated or that the appeal has failed and therefore you have lost a further 10 points for challenging it but now they are just not responding at all.

If the system does not work and the t r o l l s know this then the system should be removed until fixed. If it isn't fixed then those who are constantly reported WILL leave the site and who can blame them. Jeremy almost left within a week of arriving until some of us told him to hang on in there but for how long someone an put up with this abuse I don't know. The t r o l l s sre the ones being abusive but how do WE report THEM. Only Yahoo know who these serial reporters are and, as I say, the system ain't working.


It's true that a lot of the folks who were super active on here left and formed their own group. But sometimes it's just slow. I can't think of anything to ask so I haven't asked a question. The last one I asked got deleted.

I contacted one of the moderators (I guess you could call them that) and asked why all the questions were being reported. They told me they were too chatty. That the point of YA is to pose a question that you need help with, not to get friendly and chatty with follow up or edits that promote conversation. That's not what this board is for. But, hey, we made it fun by getting to know people and making it chatty.


It's almost impossible to comply with the Y/A! community guidelines because they are so vague and all-encompassing. Also, giving the power of reporting to all users...many with an ax to grind, boredom to satisfy, or a simple juvenile mean streak ...has made this site more of an annoyance than anything else.

I too think we're witnessing the crumbling of the last bastions.

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