Question for New Yorkers: Are you a Glock half-full or half-empty kind of person?

7 round magazines.

Common...sense...gun law...



Favorite Answer

Question for New Yorkers:

Will you buy the new Ruger 7/22 when it comes out? If those gun laws stand, I can almost guarantee you that Ruger will start marketing 7 round magazines for that little gem. Or, design an entirely new gun to take advantage of the captive audience there in NY.

Because "captive audience" is a VERY apropos term. Once you have all your guns taken away, your rights will soon follow, and you cease to be a citizen and become a subject.

EDIT: TDM, I just quoted you on one of the other pages I frequent. You get my hearty approval!


Come on, MJ. You know that taking those 3 rounds from the 10 shot mags will save lives. You know how hard it will be for a criminal to get a 10 round mag, or a high capacity mag? Why, it's going to be about as hard as a teenager finds it to get drugs that have been outlawed decades before they were born. It going to be about as difficult as immigrating illegally to the US. Only 12 million or so have succeeded in doing that. Yep, I'm moving to NY right now, so I can sleep nice and safe at night. I liked living in MA with its ten round limit, but 7 sounds even safer.

(The preceding statement was written in sarcasm. I was joking. To borrow from a regular here, I think Cuomo and the politicians who passed this should immediately be tested for drugs.)


Oddly enough, I was just at the range doing reloading drills with my Glock 19 against a shot timer from a belt pouch. 2.78 average shot to shot. Slow for an ISPC guy, but think in your head for a minute:





Th - Bang!

Did that really make that much difference?



Better be getting rid of thos Ruger 10/22 rifles too. Can't have that skippy. 10 shots from a 22? Oh my!


New York:

Where everybody is now less free and nobody is any safer.

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