How do I tell a girl what a sexual tyrannosaurus I am while being a gentleman about it?
I like this girl and we are facebook friends. I need an idea for a status I could put up that would let her know how great I am at sex but without it sounding like I am bragging or trying to get attention.
The Loner2013-01-17T11:22:07Z
Favorite Answer
The fact that you thought up the phrase "sexual tyrannosaurus" and want to display you are one means that your head is either full of air or sh!t
Best advice - don't. Seriously what's the best case scenario? You get with her and she thinks you're great in the sack - result. However, if you do all the bragging and then the girl doesn't think you're all that then you look like a tool.
Agreed ^.^ you are a freak, who says things like that?! No wonder you have to tell her by posting a facebook post?! Are you 5 years old?! Come on now. You dont need to tell a girl how great you are at sex, just have sex with her and she will know. jeez.