how high can a cat fall from without hurting itself?

i understand that a cat can hurt itself even falling from very short distances. im not asking this to test it or anything, i have 7 cats, all taken care of, healthy, and very spoiled. haha. anyway, my one cat loves climbing ontop of my one set of shelves. the shelf is exactly 6 feet high, and he always jumps onto from the desk aside of it. he always wants to jump right down onto the floor then. i think its more of a game to him, but it gets me very nervous. everytime he does this, i get a chair and carefully take him off of the shelf. i think its because i dont trust him, he is very clumsy and sometimes his balance is a little off. hes just my baby im so afraid that hes gunna get hurt. hes only one and a half. should i let him jump down by himself? it just seems so far down and there isnt even a lot of space on the floor to have him jump down from. i have heard that cats can jump down up to about 2 stories? is this true? please help, im just worried. thanks in advance(:


Favorite Answer

He should be just fine jumping up and down from the shelves, so long as he doesn't fall onto something hard or sharp. Obvsiouly not saying he cannot hurt himself, but 6 feet isn't that far for a cat.

My cat once leapt from the second story loft in my apartment. I was scared to death, but he was perfectly fine, except for a little carpet burn on his chin. My cats regularly jump up and down from bookshelves, refrigerator, high shelves in my closet, etc.


fun fact: cats can fall 7 stories and live; It is not great that your cat wants to jump down 6 feet especially if it is onto a hard floor. He may develop arthritis later on in life, but you never know. I don't think it is anything to worry about, and I don't know how you stop a cat from doing what it wants anyway lol. If he is jumping onto a hardwood floor maybe consider putting a no slip cushion rug there or maybe a nice chair he can jump on as a half way to get down. Even with those your cat might still jump around it and do what he wants =]


Depends on the cat, about 10 feet for an average cat jumping on it's own onto a carpet. 6 or 5 for hard floor. Define safe as well.


Not sure, maybe you could use the cats that were just found in a hoarders house in Colorado.. you have 161 candidates.

Jordan Williams2013-01-30T23:07:15Z

Quite high