What does it mean when someone says to you they had déjà vu and they felt strange.?

Shortly before my husband died in an accident caused by a person using dope, he told me he had déjà vu, and that he felt strange. I didn't think to question him as I didn't understand. Was it coincidence that he experienced it a few days before he died?
I am asking in seniors because at our age we have experienced so much in our lives. If you have had, can you please explain what you experienced.


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I don't count the feelings out. I can't know for sure if they mean anything. However, when people DO get that feeling and something happens it's hard not to wonder about it.

Sorry for your loss.


People often get clairvoyance confused for precognition which is the ability to see or otherwise know future events. While precognitive dreams are common, a precog can get future information in visions, and sometimes get in such a way that they just react to an event that hasn't yet happened. For example, one day I just decided to not go to school; the next class day I asked somebody what I had missed and he said that I didn't miss anything because the teacher didn't come that day either-- his car broke down or something. Or stopping before crossing the street, a bare moment before a speeding car comes around the corner. Precognition can be only a micro-second ahead or a hundred years, it just depends upon the person who has it. There was a woman on the news a few years back because she had to get herself and her daughter out of their house-- moments after they got out, a small plane crashed into the place, completely destroying it. Had it not been for the mother's sudden precognition, both would have been killed.

People who are precognitive also tend to be time sensitives: they can psychically and physically feelsudden changes in the time field such as time rifts, time fissures, and even loops-- which is why precogs are inclined to suffer from deja vu occasionally. Thre are several pathetic psychological theories about deja vu, but this is really a tempoar phenomenon where a precog sees in a dream an event that he or she forgets. Then later on when time catches up to the dream, there is in efect a double memory-- that feeling of having said or done something before. Sometimes time itself gets looped or "knotted" and we actually do live a moment in time over again, although rarely and briefly.

Some psi researcher in the 70s estimated that roughly 12 to 15% of the world's population-- 720 to 780 million people -- have psychic abilities. That number may be a little higher these days, but even so, psi gifts does usually run in families. Devil worshipers can worship whoever or whatever they want, but just like with Christians-- it doesn't matter who you worship as psi wild talents (and there are nearly 80 of those) are mostly genetic; you are born with them or you aren't. Good religious people don't get them any more than bad people-- the gifts themselves are neutral, and like everything else in the world, it's all just a matter of how one uses them.


It may well be déjà vu or more than likely - a premonition or forewarning.

Several times throughout my life - I have done something for the first time - then got the feeling like I had done - that same thing before.

I've also felt like I've been forewarned - having a bad feeling come over me - deciding - what I should do or not do.

When that happens - I do nothing - staying home - has kept me out of trouble a time or too.

The first time that I remember the déjà vu feeling - I was about 8 years old. I was with my grandmother visiting her friend - along with my baby brother. We were walking back to her home, I was holding my brother and began to run while holding him. Well - I feel down and he got a scrape on his arm. Suddenly - I felt that - that had happened to me and my brother once before.

If something doesn't feel right - I believe it isn't right. To me it's a still small voice of warning.
DeeJay - so sorry - to hear of the death of your dear husband.


Perhaps on his death bed, he felt he had experienced that same thing in another life, and it
had come back to him, reliving the experience. Deja vu, is remembering something that
was said, or done either in a past life, or many years before, and they are reliving it.

FREDO FROG2013-01-31T01:28:39Z

Certain drugs increase the chances of déjà vu occurring in the user. Some pharmaceutical drugs, when taken together, have also been implicated in the cause of déjà vu, very hard to explain .He may have been taking a drug , that effected him just before the accident happen .We all have an insight in us which tells us we have said or passed this way before but death is something else , maybe we all have different insights some are more tuned , I don't think death is one of them , a life you think you may have lived before yes

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