Meiosis vs Mitosis, biological significance?

What is the biological significance of the differences between meiosis and mitosis?

James Owen Sllivanan2013-02-02T09:55:33Z

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Mitosis is an equational division that involves the duplication of genetic material, and an equal distribution of all the contents into two daughter cells. The cell cycle proceeds via interphase, that comprises the stages of growth and DNA duplication, followed by a mitotic (M) phase. The mitotic phase proceeds through prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Through these phases, the original nucleus dissolves, the replicated chromosomes align at the center of the cell, and then segregate into two new nuclei. Finally, the cell physically divides into two new cells through cytokinesis.


Meiosis is a type of cellular division that results in the formation of four haploid cells from a single diploid cell. During meiosis, the genetic material is replicated only once whereas the nucleus divides twice resulting in ploidy reduction. This is achieved through two successive divisions, meiosis I and meiosis II. The cell cycle events proceed through interphase I, meiosis I, cytokinesis, meiosis II followed by another event of cytokinesis.

Interphase I involves cell growth and chromosome replication. Meiosis I involves the pairing of homologous chromosomes, and their segregation. It is followed by cytokinesis resulting into two haploid daughter cells, but with intact sister chromatids. These sister chromatids separate during meiosis II, which is a division similar to mitosis. (In certain species, meiosis II is preceded by an extremely short resting phase called interphase II.) The resultant daughter cells are haploid, and contain a single set of chromosomes.


The factor of meiosis is to kind the gametes and support the organisms reproduce. In meiosis there are two divisions, in the first two new cells are constituted of the mother or father mobile, with a ordinary number of chromosomes. Within the 2d division, 4 cells are produced from the two prior cells , however with 1/2 the chromosome number. These are the gametes and their role is reproduction. In mitosis the cell doubles it's chromosomes and dimension and then divides itself to 2 new cells. Mitosis helps in the cellphone proliferation and the telephone steadiness of the organism


Essentially, mitosis and cytokinesis is the hallmark of cell division to replenish, repair, and to allow growth in an organism. Meiosis is the process of genetic differentiation and double cellular division to allow genetic variation and to prevent doubling of chromosome number after fertilization.


Mitosis is for growth and repair, while meiosis is for sexual reproduction.