What happens to the 4 cells after meiosis?

Also, how many chromosomes are present in each cell


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The 4 daughter cells produced by meiosis go on to mature into sperm and ova (except that for ova, only 1 daughter cell matures -- the 3 other cells are polar bodies and they disintegrate).

The 4 daughter cells that are produced by meiosis are haploid (n), so they have only 1 set of chromosomes (unlike the starting parental cell, which was diploid (2n) and had 2 sets of chromosomes). For humans, where 2n = 46, n = 23; so our gametes have 23 chromosomes.


they are haploid, so 23 chromosomes. and i don't know i guess they just keep undergoing meiosis or cary out the needed functions...i mean, they still are cells that have jobs to do