Why are SOME White People offended by "Black History Month"?

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Not offended, just put off by the hypocrisy and patronization.
It should be embarrassing, but the fact that it's not, simply validates the condescension and cynicism of the Left. Really, the whole charade is more sad than aggravating.

Johnny. D2013-02-06T01:23:21Z

Some whites believe that they have to approve of whatever activities that some blacks, Asians, and Latinos are into so it doesn't have the potential to ruin a Euro-centric ideal United States.

Some whites are offended by Black History Month for many different reasons. Black History Month reminds black people how and why their ancestors were brought to the US, and how long it took to be somewhat accepted by the mainstream, despite many contributions to the arts, sciences, military, philosophy, sports, and other areas. Some whites do not want their white children being taught Black History Month because they fear their children feeling guilt and rejecting their white European ancestry like some guilty white liberals feel. Other whites believe that Black History Month is an apparatus by black militants to indoctrinate black children to revolt against white society and ruin America. And some whites believe the race problem will go away if it is not talked about. Many of these whites do not realize the impact of not knowing or knowing accurate history if you are a black person.

I personally do not celebrate Black History Month, because I do my own private research on it daily along with Asian, Latino, European, and other histories too.


I wish I knew. Seems to me all they do is repeat the same thing every year and sugar coat things anyway. Plus most of the History we learn about otherwise and even during this month is already a sea of W H I T E. I really cannot grasp the concept of a White History Month. They know they don't want it for any other reason than to oppose Black History Month lmao. Oh well they can stay pressed.

I'm a kitty2013-02-06T02:17:34Z

Why are some black people offended by the idea of a white history month?


Both sides have good points. On one side, it's good to educate people about smaller groups, so a gay history month would be good as well as a black history month, maybe even a asian history month, etc, which may perhaps promote tolerance.

However, on the other side, they think American History should be just that, American History, not breaking it down by people's differences, which may seem divisive and favoritism which may only promote separatism and bigotry.

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