What are the answers to these questions?

What information caused biologists to split all prokaryotic microorganisms into two Domains: Archaea and Bacteria?

a.Cell morphology and biochemistry

b.Colony morphology

c.Kinds of diseases caused

d.16S rRNA gene sequences

e.18S rRNA gene sequences

Four- and five-carbon sugars, and NADPH are provided by which pathway?

a. Oxidative pentose phosphate


c.Tricarboxylic acid cycle


e.Embden-Meyerhof, Parnas


Favorite Answer

1. C
"16S ribosomal RNA or rRNA present in all organisms. With the new knowledge from the study of organisms' biochemical differences, scientists were able to classify life on earth into three distinctive groups, or domains: Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea."