Mirena: If you have used this method of birth control, can you please tell me your experience?

I'm trying to decide what birth control to use after I have my baby. I've used the pill most of the time in the past, but I don't want to use it anymore and we don't particularly care for condoms. I'm also not sure if we're done, so we don't want to do anything permanent YET. But after reading the pamphlet my doctor gave me on Mirena, I'm kind of scared of it. It sounds like there are way too many possibilities of complications and risks, plus the whole idea that the first SIX months, I could have irregular bleeding and cramping and all that does not sound like what I want.

So can anybody share with me their experience with it and if they would recommend it?



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I've had Mirena since May 2011. Personally, the worst part of Mirena is the insertion. I mean, you feel the Dr. inserting something into your cervix and it hurts! But if you take a good pain killer, it should be okay.
Now, I NEVER experienced the irregular bleeding. My period was normal the first time it came after Mirena was in, but the times after that, it has been "barely there" and only 2 days long. Personally, I like it this way; while I love my husband with all my heart, sex every day of the month isn't something I can do and my period gives me a reason to take a break.
Now, I will mention this because it was something that had me feeling low:
The first six months of Mirena, my complexion was horrible. I broke out like crazy! It was odd for me because I had smooth skin and never got acne, but when Mirena was in those first six months, my body dealt with the excess hormones by breaking out. It did go away!! I am now back to my normal skin, so I assume my body finally meshed with all the hormones.
I, too, was leary about the side-effects but I haven't had any that are life/fertility- threatening.
I do get the ocassional ovarian cyst but they've never been serious.

I personally do believe the pros outweigh the cons. If you take care of yourself then I don't think the bad side-effects would happen to you, but each woman is different.
I love my Mirena and will probably use it after I am done having kids for good. It is convenient, doesnt interfere with sex life, and best of all, you can get it removed and get to baby-making in no time if you so desire!

Good luck with your choice of birth control.


My daughter was born 9/1/05 and I had the Mirena inserted 4 weeks later. I had it OVER the recommended 5 years and avoided pregnancy. However, I will tell you this - My husband could "feel" the strings literally poking him and he was very VERY uncomfortable (to say the least) with this.
the Mirena expelled itself in 2/2012. I conceived three months later in May 2012, and I am currently 37 weeks pregnant now, due 2/25/13.

They always warn of every possible interaction, complication, issue, problem, etc. But it does not mean it will happen to you. I will be getting a Mirena again after this baby is born. I had bleeding after insertion for about two weeks, and a regular period every month that was very light and lasted only 3 days. No cramps, pain from endometriosis, etc. It was a good idea for me to use. You just have to decide what is best for YOU and your situation.


I had mine put in 4 months after having my daughter. I had light bleeding for a month straight but after that I haven't had a period since. No cramping, no side effects, nothing. I love it. I don't have to worry about taking a pill on time or skipping it. I've had it for 9 months now. My cousins and friends have it as well and have had no problems.
Those side effects are slim. They are possible but very unlikely. They put it in the pamphlet to save themselves from being sued if something were to possibly go wrong


Don't get it. I had it for 4 years and haven't been able to get pregnant since. Thats been a 1 1/2 years of trying.


I actually had no period for 5 years.... it was fine for me and my girlfriends that had one as well....good luck