ADHD and Schools that work with children with that special need?

I am looking for a very good school for my son! He has ADHD and I don't want to result to medication. I want a school that is in Prince George's County that works well with children with this special need!


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Your best bet would be the public school system. Special education requires that all students receive a quality public education regardless of type/severity of disability.

The public schools are legally required to design an individual education plan for students with disabilities--with your involvement. And you cannot be charged for the IEP.

A private school can require their students to learn 'their way' even assuming the student is admitted in the first place. If students do not grasp the school's curriculum, they could be removed. The private school would even not have to make an individualized curriculum just for your son or involve you in the plan. It only has to provide 'reasonable accomodation'.


I am always curious why parents don't want to medicate their children. When my daughter was put on medication, her doctor said if it was going to work, we'd notice immediately.
Within 5 hours, we had a whole new 4-year-old. She stayed on meds until 2 years ago, when she was 21.

Why not try a week's worth of meds? If you truly see no difference, then nothing's been lost. If you notice a change, a huge burden will be lifted from your shoulders (but he'll still have ADHD).

I don't know about Canada, but all schools in the US have SPeD curriculums. Special ed children are entitlted to the same education as everyone else, but classrooms with professionals MAY suggest evaluation and/or medication.

Before deciding on a school, BE SURE to note what types of children are in SPeD. They are not all mentally disabled. ADHD students are very bright. Before my daughter was medicated, she tested at 2nd grade level when she was 4.

After medication, she was at 3rd grade level. Most importantly, you'll notice that your son has a different "outlook" on the world. He might take phrases made in jest to as "real" (for instance, if you said someone was 'dead to the world'), he may think someone really IS dead.

ADHD and high-functioning Asperger's Syndrome are very similar. If this is all new to you, you are in for the ride of your life~~but, oh, those ups and downs are always thrilling!


many times there are inner maximum schools for college youngsters with discovering disabilities in bigger cities. i've got additionally heard that there are some boarding colleges, yet, as you are able to think of, they are in the $20 ok variety. college platforms are no longer required to pay for the two.