Can you Riddle Me This?
What question can you never say yes to?
What people are always in a hurry?
What has neither flesh, bone, nor nail yet has 4 fingers and a thumb?
What room can no one enter?
How do you stop a dog from barking in July?
What is it that's always coming but never arrives?
The more you take away, the larger it grows. What is it?
What kind of machine has ears?
When is a man drowned, but still not wet?
What do you throw away that keeps returning?
I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter but can't go outside. What am I?
How do you make the number one disappear?
If I have all my letters I am nothing , if you take my first letter away I am one, what am I?
I am a sport
I am used by athletes in another sport
I am also used by fans in another sport
What Am I?
I am as light as a feather ,but even the strongest person in the world can't grab.what am I?
I have teeth but do not eat grow or move what am I?
Take away my first letter, and I still sound the same. Take away my last letter, I still sound the same. Even take away my letter in the middle, I will still sound the same. I am a five letter word. What am I?
I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?
What's everything to someone, but nothing to everyone else?
Who can marry a lot of wives and still be single?
How did the prisoners talk to other people
What wears a cap but has no head?
A rooster lays an egg on the top of a roof. What side does the egg roll down?
What is greater than God,
More evil than the devil,
The poor have it,
The rich need it,
If you eat it,
You'll die?
You are a clever thief but are caught while robbing a bank. The sentences you to death but is nice enough to let you choose your own method of death.what way would you choose to die?
What is not enough for one,
Just right for two,
And too much for three?
You have 20 minutes. Tick Tock Tick Tock